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Sweet Summertime Fun!


Sweet Summertime Fun!

Michele Lepe


I hope you're all keeping up with your summer's Week 4 of our Soar Into Summer Reading program! Have you read "Ice Cream Summer" by Peter Sis yet? Check to see if your library has a copy you can borrow or just read along with me in the video!

I hadn't read this book before and I was pleased to have really enjoyed reading it with my girls. We loved pointing out all of the different sweet treats on each page and we did learn some ice creams facts, i.e. that it was invented over 3,000 years ago!

My #1 takeaway from this story is that it is written as a letter from a little boy to his grandfather and that got me thinking about encouraging my littles to write a letter to someone. My 1st grader learned letter writing in school so I have put them to task and each will write a letter to a friend this week. Try it with your kids - everyone loves getting a letter or card in the mail!
Check out these resources for letter-writing tips:

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